Wall Talk
Live Art
We’re about to find out because print designer Laurie Nouchka and composer Tullis Rennie are experts in the little-known field of making walls talk. Together, they’re called Walls on Walls and they’ve done a whole load of them in Camden already (see these finished creations on Castle Road, Medway Court and Camelot House below).

Next up in their wall of fame is our very own Market Hall. They’ve been sitting down with our traders (some of which have been here for over 35 years) to unlock their market memories. Snippets of these interviews and other soundbites will be featured in an online mixtape linked to the wall. We swiped a few sneak peeks from their sketchbook to find out more about what’s in store.

‘I’ve used the theme of the changing set-up of market stalls and I’ll be creating an abstract from the roofs,’ explains Laurie, when asked what our wall will look like. ‘I’ve interjected this with the typical patterns associated with the diverse community you have trading at the Market, both now and historically.’

Judging by these sketches, talking to a brick wall (or indeed watching paint dry) has never been a better idea.
Walls on Walls will be painting our wall live in Market Hall from 30 August until 2 September. Turn up and be a part of its creation.