Soda is how you make a good cocktail!
A Square Root x HALF HITCH creation
Square Root have created a refreshing(ly) unique cocktail for you to try out at home....
Grab your sunscreen, and your umbrellas, for the glorious British summer is upon us! Lusciously hot one day, pelting with rain the next, it’s hard to find certainty, so we must turn to what we know best – fruity fresh beverages, and boozy ones at that. So here’s our top tip for your visit to Camden Market…
Swing by Half Hitch Gin and grab a bottle of their delicious Malawian tea and Calabrian bergamot infused gin, then stroll over to our fruity Soda Shack for a taste of fresh fizzy pop. Pause, savour every hand-squeezed, refreshing sip, and observe the passing bustle of magical London at it’s finest.
Once you have reached the required state of city zen, grab a takeaway bottle of Square Root Rhubarb Soda, and head home, via your preferred grocer for the remaining ingredients for…
The Market Garden Cocktail
Pour a 50ml double (you deserve it) Half Hitch gin over ice in a tall glass, and squeeze in the juice from half a grapefruit, preferably pink. Top with Square Root Rhubarb Soda. Take a sprig of fresh rosemary, and give it a smack, relieving the stresses of your day, and bringing out the delicious savoury herb oils.
Serve your cocktail with a pink grapefruit slice and the sprig of smashed rosemary tucked in the glass. Swirl the herbs around, take in the fragrant, zesty majesty of your creation, tip your cap to the joyous bounty of nature, and congratulate yourself on a job well done.