Counter-Culture with Cyberdog’s Jessica
From the Shop Floor
A love of dance music is what unites Cyberdog’s customers, who all come looking for futuristic out-of-the-world fashion or a unique rave uniform in a rainbow of punchy neon with metallic moonshine accessories.
So what goes on behind the doors of its Camden flagship, guarded by giant silver robots? We spoke to sales assistant, Jessica, a self proclaimed ‘space babe from Mars’ – who works mostly in make-up, lighting and music – to find out.

‘I have worked here for almost two years now and have been a Cyberdog customer since I was in my early teens’, explains Jessica. ‘Cyberdog is a place where you can be yourself and we don’t judge anyone regardless of their sexuality, gender, style, background, size or language. The style is really fun and has helped build a unique subculture worldwide for people who love dance music.’
Jessica moonlights as a model and make-up artist. ‘Never dye your hair by yourself unless you actually know what you’re doing,’ she says, who has long purple tresses with an undercut on both sides. ‘Bleach can go wrong so easily and can be hard to fix – I don’t even dye my hair by myself! – but never be afraid to do what you want; who cares what other people think. It’s your body not theirs and someone else’s opinion shouldn’t have an effect on your confidence.’
So where else would she recommend Cyberdog followers drop into when they’re in Camden? Hexagon: ‘It’s the next closest thing to rave clothing… it sells Space Tribe and other trippy brands’. And when it’s time to eat Magic Falafel in The Stables is Jessica’s go-to.
The other traders and the security team are Jessica’s favourite thing about working in Camden: ‘we’re like a big family’.
For more info about Cyberdog and where to find them, click here.